Ruling Elders

Ruling Elders are church members who are nominated from within and elected by the congregation to be spiritual leaders in the church. Men and women, young and old, can serve as Elders. Elders serve three year terms on Session (what we Presbyterians call our Board). Elders all serve on different Teams, as chair or co-chair, to help our church live out its mission. Elders also may assist in leading worship, taking communion to home-bound members and friends, and bringing pastoral care to shut-ins or those in hospital. 

The Elders are responsible for setting and implementing the yearly budget of the church, which is determined according to the pledges given each fall by members and regular attenders. Session meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm for prayer, Bible study, goal setting and decision making. The Pastor, or Teaching Elder, serves as the Moderator of the Session meeting. 


Session Retreat Fall 2016

Session Retreat Fall 2016

Session Minutes

Session meetings are open and anyone is welcome to join us. Minutes of Session meetings can be viewed here, or copies are available in the office.