FALL 2015


Each one of us is made up of many things.  And, we live in a world that urges us to be all things. Our identity is complex. We carry many titles.  We are called to be many things. We are Mothers. Fathers. Children. Sisters. Brothers. Grandparents. We are Artists. Technology Experts. Dancers.  Engineers. Rowers. Hikers. Professionals. Novices. Missionaries. 

We are.  We have been.  We dream to be.

Ultimately, we are created in the image of God and are called to live into the likeness of Jesus Christ in our own unique way. Our faith journey summons us toward our true selves, by the power of the Spirit, as we become who God is calling us to be together.

This Fall, through the stories of Old Testament characters, we will explore our identity in Christ. The stories of ordinary and extraordinary people will challenge us to claim our identity in Christ - the Great I AM - the King of Creation. Join us as we encounter God through the lives of others and seek our own identity in Jesus. 



A hashtag is a type of label used on social media to signify the theme of your content.  The pound sign # is attached to a word or phrase to make it easier to understand the topic or search a link on the Internet connecting you to people with the same interests as you.  Hashtags are a way people communicate their meaning, humor, or interests in a shared or communal way.

We will be using hashtags to communicate the central theme of our stories each week; however, OPPC’s hashtags won’t be linked to any Internet search. For us, they will be a simple way to discover the central theme of our texts and discover how the themes of Old Testament scripture apply to our lives today.
