Rising Strong 2018


Welcome to our Rising Strong sermon series! We are going to dig into some of the greatest stories in all of Scripture, and also into one of the most powerful and transformative books of our time, Rising Strong, by researcher and story-teller Brené Brown. We’re going to talk about tender topics and things that will make us squirm a little:  vulnerability, shame, and failure, about how much it hurts to fall, and how hard it is to get back up.

The truth is that falling hurts. The dare is to keep being brave and feel your way back up – Brené Brown

Each week in our series, we will dive into a story from Scripture about an emotional, face-down moment: Adam and Eve and the Serpent, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Moses and Pharaoh, David and Bathsheba, Jesus and the Devil, and more. All the way to the cross, the biggest face down moment in all of history. We’ll look at how the people of Scripture respond to falling and failure: some run and hide, others blame and hustle around the truth of what they did. Yet some will wrestle with their story and rise stronger, completely transformed.

Individuals and small groups are encouraged to get a copy of Brown’s book and read along. It’s neither a Bible study book nor a devotional, and it has some language which may be uncomfortable for some. Yet God calls us to whole-hearted living, and Brown gives us both insight and practical wisdom to do just that. So let’s go!